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Council Adopts Belt Line 1.5 Beautification Master Plan

City Council held a public hearing and adopted the Belt Line 1.5 Beautification Master Plan.


Advanced Traffic Management System Project

City Council approved a contract to upgrade/replace the core infrastructure, cellular units, communication equipment, and traffic signal preemption units.


Midway Road Revitalization

City Council approved an almost $31 million contract for Construction Services for the Midway Road Revitalization Project


Keller Springs Reconstruction

Proposition A of the 2019 Bond Program is the reconstruction of Keller Springs Road from the Dallas North Tollway to Addison Road. On December 10th of 2019 Council approved the design contract.


Bella Lane Construction

 City Council approved a contract for street paving, bridge installation, water and stormwater infrastructure, landscaping, and the construction of a detention pond associated with the Bella Lane South Extension and Alpha Road Connector Project.


AAC Renovations

In the 2019 Bond Election, voters approved the AAC Renovation Project Budget. On October 12, 2021 Council approved a contract for the Addison Athletic Club Renovations Project.


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Rawhide Creek Basin Drainage and ADA Improvements

In October of 2022, the City Council approved a contract for paving ADA improvements, storm drainage improvements, utility adjustments and landscaping associated with this drainage project


Lake Forest Drive Waterline Upgrades and Wastewater Improvements

In June of 2023, the City Council approved a contract for the construction of the Waterline and wastewater lines associated with this drainage project


New Addison DART Station to Feature Unique Addison Design Elements

In April of 2019, the City Council appointed  Committee to provide input on the Addison station regarding architectural elements such as paving and column cladding, site elements, landscaping, and site-specific artwork.


Celestial Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation

 City Council allocated funds to extend the Town’s sewer system so that we may provide the necessary capacity in our own system.


Kellway Lift Station Bypass Improvements

City Council approved a construction contract. The new third pump will optimize the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the current pumping system.


Addison Airport Receives Grant

City Council formally accepted a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Aviation Division. The grant will fund a runway designation change and the application of surface preservation treatments to the runway, and various taxiways.


U.S. Customs/Airport Offices Building Completed Within Budget

City Council approved the final change order to the contract for the construction of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Airport. The first international flight arrived in Feburary 2022


Addison Accepts $8 Million Airport Improvement Grant

City Council authorized the acceptance of an Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant offer from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the design and first construction phase extensions of Taxiway Bravo on the west side of the airport.

Financial Services/Customer Services

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Moody's Assigns Aaa to Town of Addison

Council's adoption of ample fund reserves and conservative practices have made this rating possible. Thus, making Addison's bond sales attractive.


Financial Transparency Portal

Council continues to support the transparency portal effort through the finance department. The site is updated at the beginning of every week and includes data for the current fiscal year.


S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'AAA' rating to the Town of Addison

S&P Global reaffirmed Addison's AAA rating, the highest rating awarded by the agency. Addison is one of only 10 cities in Texas with top ratings for both Moody's and S&P.


Residents Give Addison High Marks on Resident Survey

According to the survey results, residents have a very positive perception of Addison: 96% were satisfied with Addison as a place to live and 95% were satisfied with the overall quality of life in Town.


Addison FixIT

Addison officially transitioned to the new Addison FixIT app. This Citizen Engagement solution encourges engagement with the residents to help build a stronger community 

Police and Fire (Public Safety)

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Addison Fire Department to Get New Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Apparatus

Council approved both an interfund loan to purchase a new Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Apparatus, as well as the actual purchase of the vehicle.


Grant Funding leveraged

City Council approves the utilization of grant funding for specific department needs such as supplies, maintance and training.


Force Multiplying

Council adopted a policy for managing data collected using license plate recognition and optical camera technologies.


Gold Standard in Public Safety

January 8, 2019 Council approved a contract for the procurement and implementation of a new Police Records Management System (RMS)


New Pumper Truck

Council approves passage of the 2019 budget includes purchase of Pumper Truck.


Texas Fire Chiefs Association

Council support contributes to the training and leadership required to achieve the TFCA best practice rating. The Addison Fire Department is proud to be the 20th department in the state to achieve this recognition. Addison is one of only eight of those cities who also has an ISO 1 rating!


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Parks Master Plan

Council adopted a new Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan.


Event Strategy

 Council adopted a five-year Special Events Strategic plan as developed by Special Events, Marketing and Communications, and the Economic Development and Tourism departments.


Addison Special Events are Tops

At a recent Texas Festival and Events Association conference, the Addison Special Events team earned a total of 14 awards in a variety of categories ranging from event websites to collateral material. Event Strategic Goals support several of the Addison Pillars.

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Planning for the Future


Sam's Club Special Area Study

Council directed staff to expand the boundaries of the project, and to evaluate and make any needed modifications to the existing study to support the adoption of a comprehensive development policy for this area. An Advisory Committee was appointed by City Council to guide this process and will be reporting soon.


Addison Circle Special Area Study

In February of 2019, the City Council formally adopted a vision and guiding principles for the properties adjacent to the Silver Line (Cotton Belt) Regional Rail Line.


City-Wide Trails Master Plan

At its May 25 2021 meeting, City Council adopted the Town's first City-Wide Trails Master Plan.


Asset Management Policy

On March 24 2020, Council approved an Asset Management Policy. Additionally, Town staff is in the process of implementing a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) which was approved by Council in November 2019


Strategic Plan

City Council updates Strategic Plan Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. 


City Council Approves MOU for Addison Circle Transit-Oriented Development

​At its April 12, 2022 meeting, the City Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the AMLI/Stream Partners.

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Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee

To support the Town's Comprehensive Plan update process, the City Council appointed a 25-member Advisory Committee at its September 26 meeting that consists of residents and business representatives, as well as a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission and three legacy members. Legacy members are residents with a long history of service to the Town who can share context on how the Town has evolved. This committee will serve as a sounding board for staff and the consultant as they develop the new comprehensive plan.

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